
Would you like to save space on you hard drive, but you can't do without any of your favorite songs? Do you want to increase your multimedia player's storage capacity?
MP3Resizer reduces the size of the MP3 files so that you can make better use of the free space on your hard drive. By means of a very simple and intuitive interface, this program can reduce the size of your music collection to half its original size.
As is logical, this change in size is in exchange of sacrificing sound quality, because we'll have to reduce the kbps as well as the kHz.
When we select one or more songs, MP3Resizer will show us the current size and the size it would have if we convert it with a set of preset output parameters. Playing with the parameters we'll be able to find the ideal size that we want our music tracks to have, at the same time that they maintain the minimum quality necessary for us to enjoy listening to them.
The program performs the conversion atgreat speed, following the conversion queue of the elements that we programmed to be converted.
A utility for music lovers in need of free space on their hard drives.
  1. Mp3resizer Code
  2. Mp3resizer Code

Mp3resizer Code

Trusted Windows (PC) download MP3Resizer 2.2.1. Virus-free and 100% clean download. Get MP3Resizer alternative downloads. 8/10 (51 votes) - Download MP3Resizer Free. MP3Resizer is a simple application to reduce the size on disk of your MP3 files. Download MP3Resizer for free and save some space on your hard drive. MP3Resizer is the solution. It will compress your mp3 files, so you can store more files in your portable devices. Thanks to Mp3Resizer you will not need to change your mp3 player when the capacity seems to have reached the limit. Mp3Resizer can compress the files up to a third part of the original size.

The trial version can be used for 30 days.

Mp3resizer Code

حيث سيقوم بضغط ملفات MP3 خاصتك، بحيث سيكون بإمكانك حفظ المزيد من الملفات على أجهزتك النقالة فبفضل MP3Resizer لن تكون بحاجة لتغيير مشغل MP3 الخاص بك عندما يبدو أنه وصل إلى سعته القصوى. MP3Resizer Express is a lite application to reduce the size of your music files just following 4 simple steps. Choose the file, the quality you want for it, the output folder and click 'go' button. That's all you have to do to resize audio files using MP3Resizer.