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Before I pour my Heart out,and give you my Life History,is there someone to help with my,what I think is a Lifan Engine.It is in a 2008 253FMM Cruiser labeled 'HOFI'..There is NO such thing as a HOFI Motorcycle.The Dealer here in David(Panama) is a Chinese A##Hole.Once they get your Money,you can forget about any follow up help.The Cheezy little 'Owners Manual' looks like it was drawn by a Third Grader.Any Help?.Example-Valve settings on Two different Pages don't Jive.

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The thing about Lifan is that they’re not sold under other brand names. Also the engine type number is very general, and is a standard Chinese way of explaining the engine. 253FMM basically tell it is a 2 cylinder 53 bore and likely a 53 stroke, (F) for regular air-cooled and M means it is a 250, the second M can indicate its a parallel-twin.
Most 253FMM engines available is based on the Honda CA250 engine. Other manufacturers that use a 253FMM engine are Hensim 250CR, QiangJiang QJ250-3, Baja Phoenix 250, Tank Vision 250, Vento Barracuda… etc etc… The old ‘80s Honda Rebel 250 is copied by so much Chinese manufacturers that the list would probably be in the hundreds…
Lifan has dropped interest in the 250cc parallel-twin Honda CA parallel-twin engine in favor of the Yamaha V-twin engine they bought the rights to manufacture from Yamaha after the Japanese moved all cruiser production to the US and split it off into a new company called Star Motorcycles. Lifan bought some production facilities from Yamaha and several Virago designs.
Currently Lifan produces the LF250-B and LF400 both motorcycles are identical to the Yamaha Virago 250 and Virago 400.

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The first M means it’s a 250cc class engine, but with a 53 bore and 53 stroke it is actually a 233.86cc.
Also Stoneshirt, something wrong with the picture/photo you uploaded I cannot open it…

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I just composed a huge Post for news,and ThaiDesigns.When I clicked 'Preview' it kind'a disappeared.
SHT.Anyway,here's another try at Posting the Photo I wanted you Guys to see.This is my Bike new(200 Is this,in fact,a Lifan Engine?,Been searching now for 9Yrs.Ha.I guess right now,the most important thing is some sort of Workshop Manual.I've gotten about a Dozen reply's on various Websites as to what my Valve Settings should be.Thanks for any Help.Are there any Lifan Gurus out there?

253fmm Service Manual Free

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It seems my second attempt at Posting the Photos doe's not work ether.I'll put them in my Photobucket account,and get back to you.All this just gives me a Headache.

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If the engine is really a Lifan LF253FMM engine you can use the Honda Rebel 250 service manual. I'm pretty sure if you search for the Honda Rebel 250 service manual you can find it.
The Lifan LF253FMM engine is not sold in Thailand. So we have not much experience with it. The only motorcycle in Thailand that uses an engine based on the 253FMM specs is the Platinum Monaco 250 cruiser and a service manual for that motorcycle is as elusive as a unicorn...
But one time I also used a Honda Rebel 250 service manual to get some basic information regarding the Platinum Monaco 250 engine... Before you dive into the service manual of the Honda CA250 (Rebel 250) engine you should measure and compare some specs to make sure that the engines are compatible... But from my experience, Chinese are very good in making excellent copies that follow the original specs....
The Platinum Monaco 250 (no the engine is not from Lifan).

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Thanks again,news,and ThaiDesign.
That Photo of the Bike you sent me,looks JUST LIKE MY ENGINE!
But you say it's NOT a Lifan? What in the World could it be?Please find,enclosed,a weird Post to you Guys.

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Service Manual Bmw

Hello Stoneshirt,
The engine used for the Platinum Monaco 250 is indeed not manufactured by Lifan, as I said before a lot of manufacturers make a 253FMM spec engine.
The Lifan LF253FMM engine is not made in Thailand, actually I have doubt that Lifan still makes the Honda Rebel clone engine. As Lifan had in the past some legal issues with Honda about copying engines and motorcycles.
You also say that you have problems getting the Honda Rebel 250 service manual in your country, we have uploaded the Honda Rebel 250 Service and Repair Manual so you can download it easily.
You can find it here: Honda Rebel 250 Service and Repair Manual in English.

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: +34
Registered:: 27/08/07
Posts: 2005

Thanks news for that Download Link.Finally making some Progress.I keep losing half-done Reply's
They just suddenly disappear.frustrating.
Even with the new Workshop Manual,I can only spot Three Bronze Bushings.Two for the Camshaft,which seem to be good,And One in behind the Clutch,which I haven't got to yet.I don't see any inside of the Engine Case,except in the Transmission.With the Bike up on it's Stand,and in Neutral,there shouldn't be anything spinning in the Tranny,right? I'm associating the Whining sound with the huge amount of Bronze in my Oil.? Somewhere I saw something Posted by 'Flying Squirrel' claiming to know these Engines(FMM253)

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The gold / bronze color of the engine oil can also be the result of some water getting into the engine oil. With liquid-cooled engine this happens often, but it can also happen to air-cooled engines were condense get into the oil.
With a lot of water into the engine oil the oil get white creamy color, but with a bit of condense the engine oil can turn gold / bronze color…

The color of the oil looks like some moister got into the engine… We see this sometimes after a air-cooled motorcycle / scooter rides through a flooded area… What is recently a big issue in Bangkok… It doesn’t take to much water to spoil the engine oil to turn it like this….

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Registered:: 27/08/07
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253fmm Service Manual

news,and everyone.
Thanks for the Reply.
That Pic is me stirring it up with a Turkey Baster,soon as I stop stirring,it all settles out.I have the Video,but it's too long to Post.It was not ridden in the Rain.It's something to do with the Whining sound.I'm pretty sure it's Bronze/Brass.searching my newly acuired REBEL Manual,I see only Three Bronze Bushings,Two support the Camshaft,and it shows One inside/in back, of the Clutch Mechanism.That's the problem Today.Get that BIG NUT off that holds the Clutch on.It takes that SPECIAL Four Pronged Socket.I'm ready for that....BUT PLEASE TELL ME,It seems to say that the Nut is STAKED.Please look at the Photos I'm Posting,and tell me of this Nut looks STAKED?...I appreciate the the help very much!

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Personally I not think that one brass/bronze bushing has enough material to turn the engine oil looking gold coloring. I still think it’s moister, maybe condense from heating up the engine and let it cool down…
To be honest, I not have any good tips about the big nut other than using the right tools. From the pictures the nut doesn’t look stacked…. But I not have much experience with the Honda CA250 (Rebel 250) engine.
To undo the nut you need a 20mm Counter Balancer and Clutch Hub Tool... they cost a few Dollars...

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: +34
Registered:: 27/08/07
Posts: 2005

If you look at the front of the nut, there is a thin collar that is pounded down into the slot of the shaft (staked) to keep the nut from loosening.

Everything OK in Smileland?
Hey,I could'nt get the Flywheel off,I found what I thought was a experienced Mechanic Shop about Fifteen Miles into Costa Rica.So I pulled the Engine out and Trucked it across the Border.He had it torn down in a matter of Minutes.He spotted a Gear through that opening into the Crankcase,to the Left and behind the Clutch Mechanism.It was FLOPPY.He showed me a used one,and it had a BRONZE BUSHING Insert.Non-replaceable.So it was decided that was where the BRONZE in the Oil was coming from.He also spotted that I had not set the CHAIN TENSIONER correctly,and that was the WHINING SOUND.(see my previous Posts)???
So,I left it with him to correct everything.BUT,when I got Home,I discovered the CAMSHAFT had been put in swapped end for end.In other words the retaining CERCLIP and That Notch in the end of the CAMSHAFT used to set the Timing is now on the other side of the Engine(above No2 Cyl.They claim to have TONS of experience with these Motors.My QUESTION is....are the LOBS on the CAM asymmetrical,so that it will run in this setup.Swapping the CAM back to the original position is not a big problem BUT I I don't know how to set that Tensioner for the Timing Chain CORRECTLY.Hope I'm clear on all this. stoneshirt.
He said the Engine looked in real good condition,otherwise.

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Registered:: 17/05/17
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