Delphi Opc Client Software

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  2. Free Opc Client Software
  3. Opc Client Download

This page provides a directory of ActiveX controls and Delphi VCL Components which may be useful for OPC client application development.

See also our .NET page for native .NET components.

How to develop OPC clients in Delphi. Are you having difficulties incorporating the OPC data into your Delphi (Object Pascal) solution? Need to create an OPC Delphi program quickly and in quality? If so, QuickOPC comes to the rescue. QuickOPC is a set of components that simplify the task of integrating OPC client functionality into custom.

  • Kassl GmbH offers free & freeware downloads for OPC DA, XML DA, AE Client Tools, Toolkits, OPC Server Gateways, Bridges and other OPC Utilities Free OPC Downloads We offer free trial versions of every product, so you can evaluate the software before you purchase.
  • OPC UA uses a so called Variant data type for transmitting attribute values of any data type between the server and client. It resembles the Windows Variant, which Delphi supports natively, but is a bit different. Therefore, the OPC UA SDK defines a new type, TUaVariant, which is used for dealing with OPC.
  • Our dOPC Client Toolkit for Delphi is probably one of the most used OPC component collection for Delphi worldwide. Our powerful dOPC Toolkit allows you to build OPC client applications with just a few mouse clicks.

ActiveX Controls

These products fall into a number of categories. Some offer simpler alternatives to the Data Access Automation DLL. Others allow code-free binding of OPC items to any properties of any controls on a Visual Basic form. A third category offers advanced visualization capabilities, either with or without OPC data binding.

4CE Industry

France's 4CE Industry offers a number of ActiveX controls. OPCX DA aims to simplify OPC client development, while OPCX4Excel is specifically intended for embedding within Microsoft Excel.

Development licences start at 385 EUR for OPCX DA, and 303 EUR for OPC4Excel. Further fees are payable for additional runtime licences.

Free trial downloads are available on completion of a web form, and 4CE Industry is an OPC Foundation member.

Automated Solutions

Automated Solutions produces a number of ActiveX control packages for OPC client developers.

ASForms includes OPCs data collection routine, e.g. while writing to a remote database).

OPCWare is compatible with any ActiveX container, and version 2.0 includes code samples for C#, VB.NET and other environments. Pricing starts at 450 EUR, and a free trial download is available.


ICONICSActiveX ToolWorX and ActiveX ToolBox are libraries of visualization controls, each of which is a true OPC client. A sample gauge control is available for download.

Delphi Opc Client Software Reviews

Contact ICONICS for pricing information.

ICONICS is a member of the OPC Foundation.

Iocomp Software

Iocomp offers a number of packages of visualization components: Instrument Pack Standard (449 USD), Instrument Pack Pro (895 USD) and Plot Pack (695 USD). Plot Pack contains real time graphing components, while the other two products include various HMI gadgets (Instrument Pack Standard is a subset of the Professional Pack).

OPC client features are integrated into most components, though runtime charges apply if this functionality is used.

All products include both ActiveX and VCL components with full source.

Monitor Software

Monitor's LiveX suite of ActiveX controls includes an OPC Data Control as well as a number of visualization components.

Contact Monitor Software for pricing information.

National Instruments

National Instruments' Measurement Studio includes an extensive library of visualization, analysis and other controls. OPC client functionality is available via a DataSocket control.

Evaluation downloads are available.

National Instruments is an OPC Foundation member.

Northern Dynamic

Northern Dynamic offers ActiveX controls for both server and client development: SLIK-DA (server) and SLIK-DAC (client). Both products also support .NET using Windows Forms controls. See our Source/Toolkits page for more information.

Northern Dynamic is an OPC Foundation member.

Open Automation Software

OPC Controls from Open Automation Software operates as a non-visual ActiveX control. Property sheets are used to set up data links to other components within Visual Basic.

As a bonus, the Symbol Factory library of over 3000 dynamic graphic symbols is included.

A single developer license costs 495 USD, with no runtime fees. A free trial download is available.

Some of Open Automation Software's OPC Systems.NET visualization components also include an ActiveX control implementation. Bittorrent download free for windows 10 64 bit latest version. Finale v25 keygen mac.

Open Automation Software is an OPC Foundation member.


Softing's OPC Toolbox ActiveX includes Client Controls for both Data Access and Alarms & Events.

The Data Access Client Controls package consists of two ActiveX controls: OPCDataControl and OPCDATreeView, which expose the full functionality of OPC Data Access 2 with minimal need for programming. You can try before you buy with a free demo download.

The Alarms & Events Client Controls package also includes two controls: OPCAEDataControl and OPCEventViewControl. As with the Data Access controls, much of the flexibility of the underlying specification is exposed, and with nearly all the programming removed.

Softing is an OPC Foundation member.

Software Toolbox

Software Toolbox offers a solution for OPC data binding for Visual Basic and Visual C++ developers. Their OPC Data ActiveX Control is non-visual at runtime, and data links are set up through easy to use property sheets.

Various licensing options are available; a single developer license with unlimited runtimes is priced at 795 USD. A free trial download is available.

Software Toolbox is an OPC Foundation member.

Delphi VCL Components

See our Delphi page for more information on using Delphi for OPC development.

Some of these components are also compatible with Borland C++Builder.

Abakus VCL

Produced by A Baecker, this is a very good library of visualization components at an even better price: only 60 USD, or 260 USD with source. New features are added regularly, and these are free to registered users (except for major upgrades). Trial downloads are available.

There is no built-in OPC functionality yet - this may be added in a forthcoming release - but this library could still save you a lot of time.



As well as an ActiveX product (see above), there is also a specific version of Daedalus for Delphi. The range of components here is broader than with Daedalus X-ray.

The pricing is also different, with the OPC client not forming a part of the main suite. Daedalus for Delphi costs around 800 USD, while a further 600 USD will get you the OPC client. Once again, we feel that the OPC client functionality is somewhat overpriced.


Horst-Dieter Kassl's component set greatly simplifies use of the OPC interfaces for Delphi and C++Builder client development. See our Delphi page for more information.


DSxP, the Delphi Scada eXtension Package, is a comprehensive collection of components for Delphi and C++Builder. Visualization components are data aware, and may be linked to data sources including OPC DA and XML-DA servers and relational databases. Additional functionality provides support for alarms, trends and data recording.

DSxP version 3.2 includes an OPC DA server component.

DSxP pricing starts at 490 EUR. A free evaluation download is available.

Free Opc Client Software

Iocomp Software

Iocomp's products include both ActiveX and VCL components. See above for more information.

Prosys Sentrol

Opc Client Download

Prosys Sentrol is a comprehensive component-based OPC application framework, supporting both client and server development. See our Delphi page for more information.