How To Check Usbasp Firmware Version

  1. Avrdude Usbasp
  2. Usbasp Driver
  3. How To Check Usbasp Firmware Version For Windows 7
Joined: Fri. Dec 13, 2013

(see images below) The board worked ok, but kept giving errors avrdude: warning: cannot set sck period. Please check for usbasp firmware update and I was unable to program an ATTiny85 on a breadboard when running at 3.3v (it worked fine at 5V), so I decided to bite the bullet and attempt to update the firmware on the USBASP using one of my. The most important thing is to have good connections. A proper soldered ISP header. I understand, and yes I have a nice little PCB with a 8pin socked and a 10pin header, with the original USBasp the t85 flashes, with the 'updated' programmers it does not - with the description above of how I flashed the new firmware, I am not too sure what else to described or show.

Location: UK
Posted by haroldjclements: Thu. Jan 15, 2015 - 09:46 AM
How to check usbasp firmware version windows 7
Total votes: 0

Hello forum,

I attempted to update the firmware on one of my USBasp programmers and how it does seem to see any devices any more. I have two USBasp programmers. The one I was wishing to update (slave) I soldered a two pin header on to JP2 and bridged the connection (enabling programming mode). Plugging the other (master) into the USB and jointing them with a 10 way ribbon cable. Stupidly, I forgot to take a backup of the original firmware!

Avrdude Usbasp

After issuing this command: avrdude -p m8 -P USB -c usbasp -e -b 19200 -v -U flash:w:usbasp.atmega8.2011-05-28.hex, the device appeared to program successfully (output below). However (after removing JP2), when I attempt to program a device with the USBasp with updated firmware I get the following:

I have successfully flashed older firmwares, but the result is the same.

Any help / advice on how to recover from this will be gratefully received.

Usbasp Driver

Output from flashing new firmware:

Kind Regards,

How To Check Usbasp Firmware Version For Windows 7

Harold Clements