VueScan è compatibile con HP ScanJet 4670 in Windows x86, Windows x64 e Mac OS X.
Per usare questo scanner in HP è necessario installare il driver Windows x86, Windows x64 e Mac OS X.
Se non disponi di un driver HP su per il tuo sistema operativo, purtroppo VueScan non funzionerà con questo scanner. VueScan usa, per dialogare con questo scanner, una libreria plugin installata con i driver HP e non funziona con questo scanner senza questa libreria plugin.
A project to get the HP scanjet 4600/4670 see-through scanner works under linux. There is no release yet, but the code is available through svn. Actually, the backend is unable to scan anything, but the HP4670 is well recognized by Sane/XSane. My scanjet 4600 worked fine on windows 10 until this week. Now it says it is not usable with usb 3.0. I made no changes. It must have been a recent update. I installed the drivers prior to upgrading from windows 8. I think it will work if the op system does not lock it out for no reason. Download the latest drivers, firmware, and software for your HP Scanjet 4670 Scanner series.This is HP’s official website that will help automatically detect and download the correct drivers free of cost for your HP Computing and Printing products for Windows and Mac operating system.
Nelle versioni Windows a 64bit, è necessario utilizzare VueScan a 32bit per usare con questo scanner l'adattatore per pellicole.
Questo scanner non è supportato in Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) e versioni successive, poiché HP utilizza un plugin PowerPC per questo scanner e Rosetta non è disponibile con Mac OSX 10.7 e versioni successive.
Nelle versione Mac OS X precedenti alla 10.7, è necessario utilizzare la versione x32 di VueScan 9.0.96 con Rosetta. Per fare questo:
- Fai clic sull'icona VueScan tenendo premuto il tasto Control
- Scegli 'Ottieni informazioni'
- Spunta 'Apri con Rosetta'
I have an older scanner that has been sitting beneath my bed for four years. I currently have a working scanner but the HP Scanjet 4670 would be a welcome addition if I could get it to work with Linux Mint KDE 18.3 . With it I can remove the scanning mechanism and scan over-sized images one section at a time. It worked fine under Windows XP but I have had no luck with Mint.
I have searched google and this forum with no luck so far.
I am wondering if I could access it with Windows XP under Virtual Box but have not tried that yet. It is a USB scanner.
Hp Scanjet 4670 Driver
I will be fine if there is no resolution but just thought I would ask.