Jscreenfix Full Screen

A useful cross-platform Java based application that was especially created in order to help you repair stuck pixels and screen burn-in

J screen fix download

JScreenFix is a simple attempt to recover the stuck pixels on an LCD/LED screen. But this may not be enough for repairing the screen if the damage has been done at the hardware level. Nevertheless, you should give it a try before throwing away your otherwise working computer screen. Understand how pixels work. Pixels display a combination of red, blue, and green that’s contingent on your screen’s contents. A pixel might get stuck for any number of reasons, including overuse of the screen or long bouts of intense on-screen colors; when a pixel gets stuck, it displays one color that may alter slightly as the pixels around it change color.


Many users are familiar with stuck pixels, having seen at least once the brightly lit dots on the monitor screen. Fixing such nuisances is sometimes possible using a special kind of software and even online.

JScreenFix is an application that was created for that purpose and it can also take care of another screen related issue, namely the burn-in effect that causes the so-called 'ghost image' appearance when certain areas of the display become discolored.

Build on Java, JscreenFix runs on any platform and system that supports this technology and requires no setup. Simply download and run the application to have it begin the healing process for a faulty PC monitor.

Insofar as the stuck pixels are concerned, the procedure is quite simple. You have to access the appropriate tab from the main window and define the location of the problematic pixels by clicking on them against a completely black screen.

The fixing procedure is automated and when you press 'Repair display now', will attempt to revive the pixel(s) by flashing repeatedly the selected area of the screen for several minutes on.

When it comes to dealing with the burn-in effects, the software offers quite a few options for various scenarios. Thus, you can opt for one of the available templates in case you are confronted with a problem for which a preset already exists inside the application.

The repair methods can rely on recent usage and are either quick equalize or accurate equalize. Consequently, if the usage is unknown and no previous experience exists, you can opt for one of the three modes: pure white burn, exercise and snow flash. The last two are made for LCD screens only.

A great thing about JscreenFix is that you will be able to set the program to repair the display automatically after a certain period of inactivity or between a strict time interval you define manually.

All things considered, this utility is definitely worth a try in case you find yourself in the unpleasant posture of having to deal with one or more stuck pixels on your screen or if your monitor starts to display burn-in signs at the edges.

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Jscreenfix Full ScreenJScreenFix deluxe was reviewed by Olivian Puha
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LCD Screens have many advantages over the normal CRT monitors and its does have some disadvantages too. One of the main problem a LCD monitor can have is a dead pixel. Transformice mac os. A pixel that remain ‘stuck’ on your LCD Screen. This one wont change the colors while other pixels does so.

We don’t usually notice them easily but when we come to see a dead pixel in our monitor, there’s that feeling of un-comfortableness that remain in our mind. The dead pixels could form either due to the malfunctioning of the transistor responsible for carrying current to the pixel. Dead Pixels are some times found on a newly bought LCD monitor. But in such cases you could opt for a replacement if the manufacturer permits so. Before opting for a replacement, make sure you have checked the manufacturers warranty claims because most manufacturers don’t bother giving a replacement for a single dead pixel.

In case of you want to check for any such non working pixel in your monitor, try using the Dead Pixel Locator software.

If you see any dead pixel on your LCD Screen, there are quite a few things you could do at your home or office.

How To Repair Dead Pixels on LCD Monitor

# 1) JScreenFixis an online tool to fix Dead Pixels Easily.

The tool launches a small applet in a separate browser window and you can drag the window to the respective spot or run it in full screen. The app could fix dead pixels with in under 20 minutes.

Jscreenfix Full Screen Wallpaper

#2) Turn off the monitor. Now apply mild pressure over the pixel area and then rub the area around the stuck pixel with a soft microfiber cloth. This is important because there is a big chance of scratching your LCD Screen surface if you other clothes which have rough texture. Now with the pressure applied over the pixel area turn on your monitor. The dead pixels might be gone when you turn on the monitor.

Is Jscreenfix Safe

If the pixel is still stuck on your screen and does not go even after trying the above mentioned methods, you could contact the manufacturer for a replacements if the warranty claim permits so.

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Also Read:How To Check For Dead Pixels Before buying an LCD Monitor