L4d2 Last Man On Earth

This is basically a re-post of what was mentioned in the L4D blog last Friday. As some of you may know, the genuis minds at Valve introduced mutations (modified game types) to the L4D faithful with their new DLC for L4D2 'The Passing' and a contest arose from the mutation Last Man on Earth in the form of a best video submission. I just viewed the top 3 before I posted this and I liked them so much I am re-posting them here for you. Just in case you are wondering, the Last Man on Earth mutation is one survivor versus special infected ONLY. Wicked mod. Oh and BTW the mutation for this week is Chainsaw Massacre. Yes it is exactly what you think. Hooyah.

(source L4D Blog)

Last Man on Earth, along with its tagline You will become legend to the infected as the last human left., is a reference to the novel I Am Legend and its related film adaptations, where the protagonist is (what he believes) the last surviving human in a world full of infected beings (in this case, vampires, who he quickly becomes a legendary. L4D2 Mutation - Last Man On Earth - Gameplay. Browse more videos. Ahnlab mds agent uninstall. PsYchOTicA's: L4D2 City 17 (Map 4) Last Man On Earth mutation run. Now Valve has disclosed that gamers who own ‘The Passing’ DLC of L4D2 can take complete advantage of a new single player Mutation dubbed as Last Man On Earth. The latest inclusion to the game gives the co-op aspect of the title a miss and makes way for a more solitary approach. Valve's latest 'mutation' gametype for the Left 4 Dead 2 'The Passing' DLC takes three survivors out of the equation.' Last Man on Earth' is a single-player mode in which the player is the only. A melee weapon on last man on earth, you're kidding right? Aside from possibly getting lucky and hitting a charger while he's charging, melee weapons are completely useless. And, I guess i'm gonna play captain obvious and point out that 99% of people pick up an auto shotgun anyways, it's the pub star's best friend in this game. Gothic 2 die nacht des raben addon download.

L4d2 Last Man On Earth
1. 'This chainsaw runs on adrenaline' brought a tear to our eye and captured the #1 spot.

2. Coach grabs #2 for thinking it would be fun to mess with all the witches. He was almost right.

3. Nicks grabs the #3 spot showing how close you can come to being killed by a tank.
L4d2 Last Man On Earth
This is basically a re-post of what was mentioned in the L4D blog last Friday. As some of you may know, the genuis minds at Valve introduced mutations (modified game types) to the L4D faithful with their new DLC for L4D2 'The Passing' and a contest arose from the mutation Last Man on Earth in the form of a best video submission. I just viewed the top 3 before I posted this and I liked them so much I am re-posting them here for you. Just in case you are wondering, the Last Man on Earth mutation is one survivor versus special infected ONLY. Wicked mod. Oh and BTW the mutation for this week is Chainsaw Massacre. Yes it is exactly what you think. Hooyah.
(source L4D Blog)

Last Man On Earth Wiki

1. 'This chainsaw runs on adrenaline' brought a tear to our eye and captured the #1 spot.

Last Man On Earth Trailer

2. Coach grabs #2 for thinking it would be fun to mess with all the witches. He was almost right.

3. Nicks grabs the #3 spot showing how close you can come to being killed by a tank.